Modeling Clay & Technology

Students explore modeling clay as well as technology (digital arts)


Students will create a self-portrait.

Students will: (Students collaboratively examine and respond to a diverse selection of self-portraits.)

  • Collaboratively experience, examine, and respond to diverse selections of artworks.
  • Distinguish portraits within a group of selected works of art.
  • Distinguish between portraits and self-portraits.
  • Students select from a variety of provided materials and tools to create a self-portrait that communicates personal interests.)
  • Select from a variety of provided materials to create an artwork (self-portrait).
  • Create artwork that visually communicates personal experiences and/or interests. (Students present their art works and discuss why they are meaningful to them.)
  • Present artwork to others explaining why it is meaningful to them.

Mosaic Tiles 2nd Grade

Students create 4 preliminary sketches. Students then choose one of the four sketches to recreate as a mosaic.